Navigating the Silent Struggle: Unravelling the Mental Health Challenges Faced by Men in the UK

mens mental health uk

So what’s going on?

In the realm of mental health, an alarming trend has emerged in the United Kingdom, shedding light on a pressing issue that often goes unnoticed—the disproportionate prevalence of mental health problems among men, leading to higher rates of suicide. Men make up nearly 70% of suicides and it’s the biggest killer of men under 40. While mental health affects individuals of all genders, the statistics indicate that men face unique challenges that contribute to their increased vulnerability. So what are the factors contributing to men’s mental health struggle? How so we explore the importance of addressing self-sabotage, fostering effective communication, embracing vulnerability, and cultivating healthy habits to promote emotional well-being.

what makes men happy?


The Silent Struggle:

The stigma surrounding mental health is pervasive, affecting both men and women. However, societal expectations and traditional gender norms often pressure men to conform to stoicism, strength, and independence, discouraging them from expressing vulnerability or seeking help when needed. This societal pressure can lead to a culture of silence, where men may internalize their struggles, exacerbating the impact of mental health issues. Watch this excellent video on recognising you might be depressed or suffering with your mental health by the World Health Authority (WHO) here

Understanding Self-Sabotage:

Self-sabotage is a common yet often overlooked aspect of mental health. Men may find themselves trapped in cycles of destructive behaviours or negative thought patterns, hindering their overall well-being. Identifying these self-sabotaging tendencies is crucial for breaking the cycle. Encouraging men to recognize their patterns, seek professional help, and adopt healthier coping mechanisms can be pivotal in reclaiming control over their mental health.

Watch our discussion on self sabotage here 

Communication Breakdown:

Effective communication is fundamental to mental health, yet men may struggle to express their emotions due to societal expectations. Encouraging open and honest conversations about mental health is crucial in breaking down these barriers. Friends, family, and colleagues can play an essential role by creating a supportive environment where men feel comfortable sharing their experiences without fear of judgment. Additionally, promoting mental health awareness campaigns can contribute to dismantling the stigma surrounding seeking help.

Embracing Vulnerability:

Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to courage and authenticity. Men need to recognize that embracing vulnerability is an essential component of mental health. Encouraging self-reflection and creating safe spaces where men can express their feelings fosters a sense of connection and belonging, mitigating the isolation that often accompanies mental health struggles. Like any habit, it’s often easier to be communicative and vulnerable once you just start so try and admit you seek change or need to improve both to people you trust or professionals. There is great strength in this and people will admire you and support you ! Often it’s all in our minds that we are failures, will be embarrassed or somehow afraid of dropping our mask. The shadows we carry are often removed once exposed to the light of other people and our own truth.

Cultivating Healthy Habits:

Physical and mental health are intricately connected. Studies shows exercise raises dopamine and endorphins that improves mood. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep, reducing alcohol and drugs, can significantly impact mental and mind well-being. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment, whether it be hobbies, social interactions, or mindfulness practices, can serve as powerful tools in managing stress and promoting mental resilience. Don’t fear trying new practises that reset the nervous system – like cold water therapy, saunas, breathwork, varied and different forms of regular exercise, joining men’s sharing circles and attending retreats tailored for men can really rebalance your natural tendencies to spiral into overthinking negative loops.


Addressing the mental health challenges faced by men in the UK requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses societal change, open communication, and the cultivation of healthy habits. By breaking the silence surrounding mental health, challenging traditional gender norms, and fostering environments that prioritize vulnerability and support, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society. Together, we can dismantle the barriers that contribute to the alarming rates of suicide among men and work towards a future where mental well-being knows no gender. So if you are struggling reach out to loved ones or professionals. You can find a list of UK therapists here

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your mind health and steps to improve drop Ed or Mark a line in the contact us section and we can jump on a call for an hour to discuss tailored coaching.